Source Code

string of boredom

what is typed when you are bored to death

hey kid look heré string of boredom

by RedIsSoSus November 28, 2022

national heart string day


omg it’s national heart string day! let me send my girl a pic of my jogget strings in a heart

by ursuperhotgf December 1, 2021

Sharpen your sword ND String your Bow


343:Sharpen your sword ND String your Bow

by LeSouffleDeVersailles February 21, 2025

on a string

To combine a drug (or a combination of drugs) with cocaine.

Guy 1: Hey let’s take some acid and shrooms for a soul bomb
Guy 2: Fuck that, let’s do soul bomb on a string and add some coke to the mix

by WhoIsJohnnyWalker August 6, 2021

string fart

A string fart, much like a string bet in poker, when a player pushes a bet out and returns to their stack for more chips to push out adding to their original bet. A string fart is when you fart and another fart arrives in rapid fashion. This phonomonia can continue ad nauseam.

Darren was string farting as he walked to the shitter at the bar.

by Sheronimo June 8, 2017

String bass

Bass instrument of the string family as opposed to the tuba or sousaphone of the brass family. In years past it was common for instrumentalists to be proficient in both instruments; tuba and string bass. Brass bass is easier to march with for parades and such. While string bass is often preferred in instances such as concert and dance ensembles because it is physically less effort to play over longer periods of time

I can bow my string bass night long

by FiSH March 25, 2020

string puller

Retarded kid who gets sexual pleasues from pulling your hoodie strings.

“I was attacked by one of them filthy string pullers the other day.”

by christian pryor likes children March 2, 2018