when a sponge is so used that it's basically falling apart. it's not even a "sponge", it lost it's actual name. a ponge.
"we need new sponges, this one is so worn, it's not even a sponge anymore."
"so a ponge?"
*laughter ensues*
Similar to beer pong but only played with 3 cups, women with large labia's (beef curtains) shoot a ping pong ball out of their snatch in the cup. When a cup is made the nonshooter must drink the beer out of the cup with the ball still in the cup. First women to make all 3 cups is declared the winner.
We are going to that dirty strip club in Bend to watch some girls play, Beef Pong. You in?
when you have a threesome and both girls throw your balls back and worth with the tongues
“Bro Jess and Becca played beef pong last night”
a variation of the sport ping pong where the ball serve is a baseball-style pitch by the server.
Later tonight, we'll go ping pong pitching at your place.
When you are really good friends but cant seem to connect for weeks, sometimes months, calling each other and always hitting the missed call. The person who missed the call is the one to call back.
1: Hey buddy, called you again.
2: Yeh, buddy, was preoccupied, yet another bender.
1: We just playing call pong