Source Code

Rail district

The rail district is a posh suburb of pound town

While visiting pound town the queen to a much needed stroll through the rail district pound town bone zone

by horustheghoul May 25, 2016

Befer Rail

Befer rail is when your so serious and can speak so much fact that you turn into a skater boy and start skating down the stair rails because you just know what you’re talking about and only two people can “befer rail”, bella and Jadyn

Jadyn: yo bella befer rail rn
Bella: oh shoot! Look at me befer rail down this hill.

Bella: sheeeeeeshhh

by Bella and Jadyn bjs November 28, 2023

Rail Rider

A rail rider is someone who loves to be trained by 2 or more people at once, another version of this term is called gangbang!

Me: Oh bro did you hear that Rebecca is a rail rider

Friend: what the fuck is a rail rider?!
Me: a rail rider is someone who loves to be trained by one or more people (example) a gangbang or a girl who’s for the group.

by R3kcable February 28, 2024


To fuck the absolute shit out of someone 😁

"Can you come to dinner tomorrow?"
"No I'm busy getting railed,sorry"

by Sillysausage23 June 12, 2022


Finding yourself at the wrong end of a Tau Railgun.

Nice Daemon Primarch you have there. Shame he's gonn get railed.

by HGEJ December 30, 2022


to get fucked in the ass

joe: i railed her so good last night, Peter
peter: you fucking incel, i would do better slaying pussy than you could ever do

by SebaliMotherTrucker October 29, 2023


getting a DIY vasectomy bij a rail, after u had 2 kids.

i got railed when i was 22

by DIYvasectomy September 27, 2020