The rail district is a posh suburb of pound town
While visiting pound town the queen to a much needed stroll through the rail district pound town bone zone
Befer rail is when your so serious and can speak so much fact that you turn into a skater boy and start skating down the stair rails because you just know what you’re talking about and only two people can “befer rail”, bella and Jadyn
Jadyn: yo bella befer rail rn
Bella: oh shoot! Look at me befer rail down this hill.
Bella: sheeeeeeshhh
A rail rider is someone who loves to be trained by 2 or more people at once, another version of this term is called gangbang!
Me: Oh bro did you hear that Rebecca is a rail rider
Friend: what the fuck is a rail rider?!
Me: a rail rider is someone who loves to be trained by one or more people (example) a gangbang or a girl who’s for the group.
To fuck the absolute shit out of someone 😁
"Can you come to dinner tomorrow?"
"No I'm busy getting railed,sorry"
Finding yourself at the wrong end of a Tau Railgun.
Nice Daemon Primarch you have there. Shame he's gonn get railed.
joe: i railed her so good last night, Peter
peter: you fucking incel, i would do better slaying pussy than you could ever do