solo 7 is a person who understands that everyone coexists on earth together while simultaneously having to make their own decisions and become self-sufficient.
Solo 7 will be the wisest person who ever lived in the 21st century.
life can be complex at times, but Solo 7 is there to get rid of that brain fog.
Jerking off so hard that you start to sweat.
I was at it for hours last night. I did it for so long I got the Solo Sweats.
somebody who only stans/suppports one person in a kpop group. this person is usually slow asf, and an "army."
"i'm a jungkook solo stan who only likes him for his visuals."
When you are convinced out of a deal by an amazing offer, but then get scammed out of all your money
Salesman: Hey, do you want this cool thing
Paul: Yes
Carlos: No paul I got a better deal, you should take it
Paul: Ok
Carlos: lol you just got baritone soloed
Paul: boo hoo
To smoke by yourself
Mike: Damn, Kenny is solo-session tonight.
Jimmy : Darn it! He never invites us.