When a woman squirts so hard that it bounces of their partner’s abdomen and splashes back at them.
I would’ve brought a beach towel if I had known she was gonna pull off that Iowa City Splash Pad.
The word you tell someone to look something up that sounds super crazy, wild, or wacky on Urban Dictionary in hopes of building up their anxiety, excitement, or otherwise expectation in what could be lurking in the definition.
Oh, you think that's bad? Look up "Blue Swivel Finger Splash" on Urban Dictionary, that's a REAL crazy one!
A attack used by Noriaki Kakyoin from the manga/anime series Jojo's bizarre adventure Stardust Crusaders that has been used very often against the antagonists in the series, to sum it all up quick of how it works, go read below.
Kakyoin: Take this, emeraalld splaaashhh!!
Villain shoves it off as if it's nothing
Kakyoin: What, but there's no way. No one can just deflect the emerald splash!
A move that cannot be deflected
Kekyoin-Nobody can deflect the emerald splash!
the act of spraying your cum on a girls face so it cannot be blocked or in this case "deflected
person 1: hey man do see jessica over there?
person 2: yeah i gave her the emerald splash last night
person 1: saaaame bro
The act of getting cream pied by Shrek
After watching Shrek I totally want to get emerald splashed
Emerald Splash is anundefectable attack from Kakyoin
Jotaro: *Deflects Emerald Splash*
Kakyoin: Nani the fuck!? No one can just DEFLECT THE EMERALD SPLASH