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moon frigger

someone who has sexual intercourse with the moon

I think the Man in the Moon might be homosexual 'cause I saw Jerry humping last night. I guess he is one of those moon friggers!

by Bill Toro February 3, 2009

18๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

moon bounce

coolest thing ever, can jump up and down and do flips on a huge blowup object and not get hurt... cool to say uve had sex on one

I just had sex on a moonbounce!

hey man, cool!

by nfg May 10, 2005

38๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

crescent moons

the shape of an asian's eyes.

"Hey did you see that asian girl over there?"
"Ya man, she has some big ass crescent moons!"

by Colete April 23, 2010

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Moon Dust

Moon Dust is a slang term for the chemical JWH-018 which has similar effects to weed but only requires an active dose of 1-3mg.

Dang what was in that bowl we just smoked? Moon Dust yo! Damn Moon Dust is fucking off the hook I thought it was some epic form of kief.

by Czar_Coaster October 31, 2009

34๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

moon head

A person who's head resembles that of a natural satellite, or a head which is abnormaly large or round

Fucking hell jason, you've got a fucking moon head. just look at it, it's a whopper.

by the portuguese cobnut June 5, 2011

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Moon Shoes

Superhero bouncy shoes that you wear during a Beer OH-lympic tournament. They increase accuracy on beer pong, speeds up your flip cup time, and most importantly they make your stomach bigger so you can chug more beer!

"Dude Chris, XBX just showed up in Moon Shoes! We are f*%ked, they gonna take it down for the third time in a row!"

by Scootto January 25, 2008

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Moon Crystals

Moon Crystals..also known as Methamphetamine is a harmful drug..but appeals unharmful to Crystal Meth heads.Moon Crystals are smoked out of a glass pipe also known as a Glass Dick. You can also snort Moon Crystals threw your nose. Moon Crystals last for about 14 hours and have many after affects such as sketchyness, sketchanioya, and loss of weight and appitite.

i better stop smoking these moon crystals..i have to sleep tonight!

by Half Gone Lil' Red May 30, 2005

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