massive liberal bureacracy, second in stuffiness only to the conservative wing of the roman catholic church.
i spoke in tongues in a presbyterian church once, and they kicked me out.
24๐ 93๐
a Cowboy Church is a Christian church for anyone, but, most importantly, for cowboys; however, it is not considered or recognized as a church by other denominations -- protestant or Catholic and is mostly contained by a collective ministry. Attendees come in by car, feet, and sometimes horseback. Their services differ from regular services where several tradition parts are left out... such as: alter call, collection, and sometimes even a sermon....
Guy 1: "Dude? Are they going to have a sermon?"|
Cowboy hick: "Nope! We donn duuueee dat 'ere at a Cowboy Church!"
Guy 1: 'Oh.. all of you will burn in hell!"
hick: "Wat?"
guy: "as far as i am concerned... this isn't a real church and all of you will burn in hell."
5๐ 13๐
see cult; a church for the Catholic religion, tries to cover up that Jesus had a kid, and that they would kill if that ever got out,
The Catholic church is now and always was a fag house. see priest;
69๐ 305๐
some gangsta ass niggas that wuz born and raised in falls church V.A.
damn dem church boyz about 2 go wreck
11๐ 39๐
Honestly like fucking idek like some bullshit a random youtuber (that looks like that bully from that 1984 karate kid movie) made because he's trash and needs something to rhyme with merch
Just sjdjdhsjd jshdbdeb sjdhsjssj, and it's selling like a god church. ~ Jake Paul
1๐ 1๐
A stupid phrase Snake Paul created.
And it's selling like a God church.
You: Get some help
1๐ 1๐
A shitty sentence Jake Paul made up just for his stupid ass song.
" hey bro have you boughten any god churches"
" bro, what the heak is that?"
"Its just some stupid thingas that Jake Pual mad up for no reason. Stupid right?!"
"Yrah definitley stupid!"
1๐ 1๐