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Sugar free-dom fighter

a person who takes part in a resistance movement against the oppressive establishment that is Sugary Soft Drinks, with particular relation to full sugar Redbull.

Me ordering a drink at a bar: can I please get a sugar free Red Bull
Bartender: oh right on man, good to see another sugar free-dom fighter around
Me: *raises fist in air as a sign of solidarity.

by Sugafreedaddy69 December 11, 2022

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Dom Syndrome

Dom Syndrome is a mental illness that is similar to Down Syndrome but they suffer from delusions that they think they are better, Treatments to these illnesses are Dick appointments

Did you hear that Holly is suffering from Dom syndrome?

by JohnnyNutPunch September 11, 2020


Good Morning in my life.. so enjoy and use the word responsibly..

Goo-Dom-Dom everyone!!

by Nibu_1986 August 16, 2010

Viking dom

A Viking dom is a sexual dominate usually amab who is extremely into Viking culture and Norse mythology. They usually are also very into guns and spanking.

I’ve had a few Viking doms in my life. They make for excellent sexual partners

by Idkimjusttryingtoaddthis May 23, 2022

dom femboy

A Dom femboy is exactly how it sounds, it’s a fem boy that’s also dominant. (I Love Dom fem boys)

β€œMy boyfriend is a Dom femboy”
β€œKinda gay bruh”

by Axelthecoolestguy June 8, 2024

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DOM Juan

DOM means "Dirty Old Man". DOM Juan is a dirty old man who is trying to romance a girl young enough to be his daughter or granddaughter.

Jessica: "Mel is constantly slobbering over all the pretty young girls."

Tricia: "Well, isn't he such the DOM Juan!"

by vivicafox June 7, 2009

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dom cheese

Only one who has name dom with at his disposal circumcised foreskin.

β€œDom can I eat your dom cheese I’m hungry.”
β€œDom cheese”

by NonstopSpore877 September 10, 2019

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