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hebrew national

A deviant sexual act in which the butt cheeks are titty-fucked, but no anal penetration occurs. We're talking supreme dog in bun action (mustard optional).

That bitch has an ass that sticks out like an air condtioner. I wanna take her home and give her the old Hebrew National.

by shaun juan May 1, 2006

16๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Aryan Nations

A white hate group similar to the kkk that advocates the extermination of other races and jewish people.

Aryan nations are a bunch of stupid racist idiots.

by Rohar August 27, 2007

70๐Ÿ‘ 106๐Ÿ‘Ž

people nation

unlike the dumbass above, Bloods affiliate themselves with a 5-POINT star and crips with a 6-POINT star

people nation is an alliance of many street gangs originating from the city of Chicago.known members are Vice Lords, Latin Counts,Latin Angels,Latin Kings, Spanish Vice Lords, Black P Stones, Bishops and many others

their main symbols are pitchforks point down , 5 point stars,and 5 point crowns

though all these gangs are allied under the Nation name, there are interalliance wars that are going on

Vice Lords and Counts are known to rival the Almighty Latin King n Queen Nation. Bloods are thought to be apart of the Nation but its unknown whether they are. oon another noe, bloods and crips wear their things opposite to what their corresponding natios wear. nevertheless they still affiliate

their main rival is the Folk Nation(Followers Of Larry King)because of their affiliations, cdertain Crip sets are required to flag black on the Right side. though folk is an alliance, it is also its own gang. members are usually seen with a black do rag hanging out their backside(though which side it must correspond is unknown)symbols of the folk nation include pitchforks upwards, 6-point stars and the number 6 itself.though it is shared by all folk, these symbols are a part of 'gang knowledge' originating from Gangster Disciples. it is believed that this knowledge was copied by Crips which is why they have loose affiliations

another gang that flags oppsite of people is latin kings. they keep flag on the right side but wen showing true kolors they tie their flag on the back middle loop of their pants to symbolize the lion which is a well known mascot of LK

People Nation Member: Ckrabs n Fkish just trotted in our turf

Another member: then let's light their's asses!

LK member: Vice Whores and Latin Cunts can go have their fun, i dont even know why the fuck we rep this shit wen those ni99as dont like us anyways. all because of some goddamn drug trading territories

by XKalibur May 6, 2007

79๐Ÿ‘ 125๐Ÿ‘Ž

No Scope Nation

A no scope nation is when a gay kid gets luckey and gets a no scope head shot in a video game. People who make their xbox live gamer-tags No Scope Nation are very gay and bad at halo and gears. They also have a very small penis.

wow look at that kid get a no scope nation. What a fag.

by Eight Equald Dee? April 30, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Some dumb shit you made up

Although popular with on the political section of iFunny, Anarcho-Nationalism is a dumb ideology that you made up and does not exist

by 1234 I can count to 420 November 29, 2015

9๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

united nations

a good dream, pity about the fact that the amount of vetoes that have been passed by the USA to any resolutions they dont like/criticizing israel has rendered it useless

the un: great ambition, cruelly betrayed.

by prolific dowloader November 23, 2004

39๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž

National League

The highest minor league in professional baseball. Far below the American League yet higher than the AAA level of minor league baseball, the National League is unofficially classified as an AAAA level league. It is also frequently a refuge for players who have failed playing in the American League.

My little sister has been named to the National League All-Star team.

by judge, jury, and executioner January 14, 2009

21๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž