to perform sexual acts like a professional sex workers
Damn she can do it like the femboys of Ba Sin Se
See how he just keeps making more up!? He's at like 5 different unforgivable sins! There is only supposed to be 1 and he's got like 5 of them now. That's how you know he's trying to be the self-appointed arbiter of sin. Self-appointed arbiter of morality. Not that everyone else isn't already doing the same. That's a thing that a lot of people do but he is just doing it loudly and in my direction. It shows that he lacks the humility he purports to value.
Hym "Look at all those unforgivable sins he's coming up with! He's got a ton of them! He just keeps making them up! Ridiculous!"
Aw, but blasphemy is my favorite one!
Hym "Yeah, I don't like that blasphemy is an unforgivable sin. I think it should be allowed. So, it is. I deem that blasphemy is officially allowed. Hurray blasphemy!"
A drawing that is so goddamned cursed it should not be shown to anyone. Drawing quality usually consists of looking like a drowned Muppet.
"Look at my sin drawing! It's a picture of Kirby wearing fishnets!"
"Dude, what the hell."
Expression refferring a person who acts wierdly or stupidly. Also, could be used to mention someones looks
Porque vas en pijama, estás sin vacunar
someone who does many sinful acts with their s.o, acts that our homie up in heaven Jesus would not approve of
"Oh my gosh Kaitlyn you had sex with him? You're such a sin factory!"
Samara Sin is the Mother Of All Sins, the demonic dancing diva, and the sweetest mean girl you’ll ever meet. She’s shady and nasty , while also being the most genuine bitch to ever walk the earth. News Flash, if you don’t like Samara Sin, she truly couldn’t care less.
Can you believe that bitch said I looked dusty and my hair looked crunchy? Then I looked in the mirror and realized she was right… what a fucken Samara Sin