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HI virus

Stands for HIV and is the only positive thing in my entire life.

Doctor: "I'm sorry to tell you that, but you're diagnosed with the HI virus."
Karen: "It comes from the vaccines!"

by Donerank December 15, 2020

Quinnta Virus

Internet like Matthew Quinn's

"Omgg I think my computer has the Quinnta virussssss"

by God of Mischief Loki December 6, 2021

Coors Light Virus

A virus that begins with the intake of a six pack of Coors Light. Can lead to pneumonia and one hell of a bad fever dream.

Person 1: Damn, Sam got the Coors Light Virus last night.
Person 2: Hope it was fun for him.

by SSMGod5136 March 16, 2020

Planet's virus

Any virus that attacks and causes change.

The planet's virus highlighted social problems.

by Natural Life March 7, 2021

paradise virus

A fictional virus named for the band "Paradise Kills" Which is a 2023 American metalcore/alternative rock band.

my mom got the paradise virus and she's on life support

by yo momma LOL LOLLnot funny?, k July 29, 2023

Woke mind virus Noah hooser

The woke mind virus has infected us all.I need help.Noah hooser is touching me.

Noah is infected with the Woke mind virus Noah hooser. He won’t stop touching me.

by Cumlover42069 February 19, 2024

virus trutherism

A medical conspiracy theory that Covid-19 pandemic deaths are greatly exaggerated and may not be reported accurately. Some may minimize the loss of life of the old and sick who had little life left to live . The same people may also note that it only a few percent are vulnerable and that it disproportionately impacts minorities.

While the concept of virus trutherism is held together by a minimal amount of evidence, the idea is held by a vocal group with a high amount of fire power.

by mlhiss May 15, 2020