A PJSK song that will break your fingers :) (song made by cosMo)
go play Intense Voice of Hatsune Miku
Do you wanna break your fingers?
(verb- to have a), to be able to sing for shit, i.e to be only able to sing an acrapella
if you have a potato voice, even a musical education at La Scalla in Milan, Italy, won't help you sing any better.
When someone’s singing is smooth
I have a polished voice
The voice uk is a British tv show that is a singing competition for United Kingdom.. every year some new judges come but usually tom Jones, William, olly murs
Britney: Helen Did you see the finale of the voice uk last week Helen: Yeah I hope to see the judges next year
When a guy has a smooth tone of voice and he be tellin you, you are beautiful or giving you a compliment.
“Kenny has such sexy voice swag!”
Having a deep, raspy voice.. When someone's voice is heavy..
Named "Vomit Voice" due to them spewing nothing but words so vile, they belong in a toilet bowl. Also because hearing or reading what they say makes you physically ill.
A Vomit Voice is someone who goes beyond the realms of being a standard "Internet troll" & into something far, far worse. An individual spouting things so vile & putrid that they make even the most vicious 'internet troll' stop & say "hey, thats too far.." oftentimes unprovoked, these cretins slither from their virtual caves, usually when they see someone doing well or feeling good & just seek to bring them down in the most disgusting & uncalled for ways.
These are people who wish bad things happen to others for no good reason other than they just don't like someone. People who target another person's misfortune or short comings, or mocking the death of someone, wishing death on people. Wishing physical harm on someone out of spite or jealousy. Wishing illness or suffering on someone. Specifically targeting someone for something you know they are struggling with or have struggled to overcome. People who hate people simply for the colour of their skin or who they love or how they identify & take that hatred out in the aforementioned ways.
In short, the WORST kinds of Internet folks.
"You need serious help. No one should ever talk to someone this way. You're a Vomit Voice & should be banned from talking to people. Like, forever. Stop spewing your repulsive shit like that over people."
"Did you see that bloke on Twitter? The one with 4 followers, 25 numbers in his username & a profile picture of a pineapple in space? Well, he was taking shots at Gary because he came out as gay. He mocked Gary's dad, who's disabled & then laughed that Gary's mum had died. That was the most vile Vomit Voice I've ever seen"