When you are generalized for the town you live in and not for your actual circumstances. Usually very annoying for people who get generalized this way. A lower middle class person may be just able to afford a small apartment or house in a rather affluent area and then they get generalized as rich. Or a rich kid may live in a decent neighborhood of what is considered a bad area. These rich kids usually use this to make themselves seem hard or ghetto while the kids with the opposite problem are tired of the generalizations.
Wealthy kids who happen to live in okay areas of Mount Vernon, parts of the Bronx, Queens or Brooklyn are seen as hood but a kid who lives in a one bedroom apartment with his whole family who just happens to live in some wealthier town in Westchester of Long Island is considered soft. town generalization sucks
I bought a new shame generator from Ikea yesterday. I need to keep an eye on my weight.
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Persons born between 2005-2018 who constantly watch YouTube on a daily who makes amateur videos trying to blow up and be a viral Superstar / YouTuber
Kids these days been 6 hours a day watching YouTube there the YouTube generation
“General Huntsy” is the persona adopted by one mans circumcised penis at full mast. Named partly because his posture matches that of a saluting general, and partly because his temperament is one of vigour and resiliency. General Hunsty has a a reputation for being a fierce warrior, but has not earned this reputation alone. Accompanying his conquests are two fine men, whose primary job is to ensure the General has loads of ammunition when it comes time to finish a battle. Now occasionally they will supply the ammunition too soon, unfortunately causing the battle to end before it ever rose to the level of mutual satisfaction. But nevertheless, these fine men are responsible for generating most of the thrill associated with each battle and for this General Hunsty owes them his rock hard thanks.
No, I’m not pitching a tent in my pants. General Huntsy is just mistakenly readying himself for battle, so let’s hope the two fine men don’t mistakenly supply the ammunition.
Another name for Generation Z, or iGen, or now yeet generation
Person 1: Hey you ever heard of that yeet generation?
Person 2: yeah they’re the most sicko mode despacito people ever
As you’re plunging your piston and rod into her vaginal cavity, about to climax, filling her single cylinder with white cream gasoline and she screams “the combustion chamber pressure is too high!" So you place your thumb gently over her butthole to act as a spark arrestor and muffle the exhaust so the neighbors don’t hear.
Camping in tight quarters and your disrespectful neighbors has a cheap 4500 watt monster while your a quiet and courteous camper with a Harbor Freight Predator a quiet generator
a generation of humans raised to communicate with social media and generaly has a more important life on social media than in real life and typically lacks in real world knowledge and interactive communication and very poor social skills. and since theyve never known any other way of meeting new people they will snapchat afriend to find out the persons snapchat name of who they want to meet. and they find this way of breaking the ice to be much easier but they typically build up a snapchat relationship with that person and never end up making friends with the individual or ever talking to the person at all in real life
hey ive been wheeling that new girl at school pretty hard on snapchat but i walk by her in the hall way she doesnt even look at me but she still snaps me everyday after school why is this? well my friend she is part of the snapchat generation.