When you ask Siri to write a message for you and the result is some slang you've never heard of before.
Michael "we gotter"
David "I thought that was some PA slang right there"
Michael Laughed at “I thought that was some PA slang right there”
Michael "that's some siri slang!"
When a person or group of people are stoned; or high on weed intake.
Person 1: Dang bro, You look Zooted (slang).
Person 2: Thanks
"slang around" means to fool around, joke or hangout.
Guy 1-"Yahh, wanna slang around during classs"
Guy 2- "Say lesss"
Guy 1- "Meet me in the hallways"
The act of a student or a group of students purposefully using modern slang to anger the teacher.
In rebellion of the excessive amount of work we got, I would AP lang and slang with my friends.
When you launch your neck in a forward motion.
“ I went to the grocery store last week and this son of a gun took the last jar of pickles so I had to slang that thang! She dodged the first one so I had to check myself right quick because I have never missed a slang before. Then I realized I just needed to slang it harder! So I winded that thang and then I 360 slanged that thang and knocked that ho out! Then I said those my pickles son! I’m the daddy slanger! Come at me and you’ll get slanged ! “ - Kaitlyn (Chino
Hills California hit me up for a slang spank . I’m a humble slanger. Get at me . I’ll change your life . I’m ready 24/7 . No worry bout travel. I come to u . Please no worry . I gotchu . You have boyfriend? One more thang. I slang with respect . Nevaaaa forgeeee. I am the one and onlyyyyy slangaaa