A man with the largest dick to ever roam this land. His dick is so large he has to tie it in a knot and tuck it in his sock.
OMG. Look it’s Trevor 😩 I want to fuck Daddy Trev so badly
Such a ladies man. Tan, blonde, blue eyes, athletic, and curly hair. Ideal sexy man. If you meet a Trevor you are lucky. Has such a flirty personality, that you always want to be around him. Makes you feel like you are in love. So funny and sweet, and is never boring to talk to. He can also be a heart breaker so you need to be careful. Trevor is genuine but can come off as an F boy so do not jump into a relationship with him. Take things slow and get to know him
Trevor is so cute
A psychotic, violent, and unpredictable criminal. Known to make and distribute meth, rob banks and stores, murder people for little to no reason, and for running a gun running program. Former CEO of Trevor Phillips Industries. Highly dangerous.
Johnny: F***ing my girl, man. It's wrong.
Trevor: Well, I got to f*** someone. You want me to f*** you instead? Is that the problem here? Take off your pants, cowboy, alright? Lets, let's f***.
Johnny: You think this is funny?
Trevor: Get them off!
Ron: I told him to leave it, Trevor. I told him. Leave it. Leave it.
Wade: He did. He did.
Trevor: Shut up, Ron. I'm about to f*** me a meth head, ain't I, cowboy? Get my boy sucked from his toothless gums.
Johnny: F*** you, Trevor.
Trevor: Oh.
(Trevor hugs Johnny as he cries)
Trevor: Alright, cowboy. Hey, I know. Hey, c'mon. Shh... hey...
Johnny: I don't mean nothing by it, man. I just. I just...
Trevor: I know.
Johnny: I messed up.
Trevor: I know, cowboy. It's okay, man. Gimme me a hug, yeah... shh...
(Trevor grabs Johnny by the neck and throws him to the floor, breaks a bottle over and begins stomping on Johnny's head. Trevor continues to do so while angrily shouting at Johnny)
The worst ever. Nobody likes this kid. He’s ugly, scrawny, weak, and annoying but you’re too nice to tell him. You’re embarrassed to be his friend
Trevor is the hottest person to ever exist on this planet. He is funny and kind. He is very very stupid and has zero brain cells and no common since. He is in love with his girlfriend. He is the biggest simp ever. Everyone loves Trevor
Wow have you seen Trevor he's so cute
Greatness in every sense of the world, if you are trevor you are very attractive, handsome, inspiring and worshiped by many people.
You'r Trevor I love you!