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anonymous boner

An erection one gets randomly, for no exact reason.

Guy 1: Dude what's with the bulge in your pants?
Guy 2: Don't worry, it's just an anonymous boner.

by maddogmike August 4, 2013

21πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

pwner boner

An erection caused by the act of pwning n00bs

OMG I'm pwning too much, I just got a pwner boner

by Westicle December 20, 2005

21πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

fat boner

fat bonΒ·er |fat ˈbōnΙ™r|

When a person starts thinking about or gets ready to eat food and their stomach expands. The act is similar to how a man's penis will enlarge when thinking about or getting ready to perform the act of sex.

"I love lasagna so much, I'm getting a fat boner just thinking about it."

by mootish21 January 7, 2010

220πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

Piss Boner

A morning erection usually alleviated by urination. Usually dry-humping or twisting around your dick would feel good in this instance. And, when you urinate, you need to do a handstand or pull it down. Even if you do these things, your urine will definitely go everywhere, since morning pisses usually include piss flying everywhere randomly, even disobeying the laws of gravity because of what I can only guess is dick boogers (eye boogers, but in your dick hole).

I had a wicked piss boner this morning.

by Bonerection September 27, 2010

150πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Ninja Boner

A ninja boner is an erect penis that you must stealthily conceal whilst moving, which involves disguises and clever use of shadow and vegetation.

Often required when the words "Give it a minute" will not save you.

Last night Jen gave me such a ninja boner at the party, I had to creep around the outside of the garden in the dark to get a drink.

by Massive Jones May 20, 2007

56πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

poop boner

A need to poop that gives you a slight erection

Tim Kaye had a poop boner after his concert.

by TopeaseArlie July 22, 2006

203πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

hate boner

1. having an unrelenting, sometimes irrational, hate for something. Very over the top.

2. power tripping and wielding that power, usually fucking you or another person over

3. in usage, can be gauged on a personal scale. ie. footlong, veiny boner= a lot of hate vs. half-mast boner=sort of hate/average dislike.


1. Dude... That Hitler fella had a huge hate boner for the Jews. And the Gypsies. And the Slavs.

2. Person 1: How'd you feel about those questions the prof asked you?

Person 2: Maaaannnn.... They were terrible. That prof has a raging hate boner for me.

3a. I seriously hate that guy. I'm talking veiny, viagra fueled, never-ending hate boner.

3b. Person 1: Seriously, I have a raging hate boner for that douche.

Person 2: Meh, I'm only at half-mast hate boner for him. Closer to that "seeing an ugly chick naked" semi-chub of a hate boner.

by B-radC 2012 February 18, 2010

53πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž