The name for a ranch sauce that is thicker than salad dressing. It was coined by a high-school girl in Huntsville, Alabama as she mixed up words due to a TBI. (She has making a great recovery, but still loves to ask doe the Chicken Dippin’ Ranch.)
Mom, I see the salad dressing, but where is the Chicken Dippin’ Ranch?
Tasty tender bone of a chicken
Person 1: hey man what you eating
Person 2: just some of this Chicken bone
is any salad with chicken as a main ingredient. Other common ingredients may include mayonnaise, hard-boiled egg, celery, onion, pepper, pickles (or pickle relish) and a variety of mustards. ... It may also refer to a garden salad with fried, grilled, or roasted chicken (usually cut up or diced) on top.
Where’s the best chicken dip? I heard George’s chicken dip shack has 5 stars on yelp.
A semi truck with a lot of extra lights
Look at that chicken truck driver must be scared of the dark
To miss multiple targets by aiming right between them, for example in a ball game.
Ronnie had two good available shots, but he split the chicken and went home with nothing.
Some one who aroused the Stanley cup and put a bet in the pot for 50 grand and got a blue Lamborghini and weighing it with the gaterade to see witch one make bob marley king of Indonesia
Man 2“Man Spicy chicken dicken spidingus make hot”
Man 1“I know right”