"Rich Life" is a clothing company created by designer/ entrepreneur Philly Nicks (Philip Nicholas Juan) in 2013.
"Rich Life" is now available in over 200 retail locations
A High-End clothing line, Created for the new money, care-free mentality, as they like to call Street-Luxury.
"Does it look like I give a shit, My Rich Life clothes, you couldnt afford this!"
People don't want new life breathed into something, they were happy enough with their old dysfunctional abnormal lives.
His/her old life was a life he/she was already happy with, and didn't need new life.
A sequel so bad that not even the parents of the people who wrote liked it
I would rather jump off a bridge than watch the Secret Life of Pets 2.
New rules for 9 ball.
New additional rules for 9 ball..
* winning with ball in hand.
-* making a high quality shot you made 50%
** making 9 ball with que ball not on intention
-** making a higher quality shot you made 15%
*** making 9 ball with double kiss
-*** making a 2 ball combination on the 9 ball
****making 9 ball with 2 ball hit not on intention
-**** making a 3 ball combination on the 9 ball
***** making 9 ball with 3 ball hit not on intention
-***** making a 4 ball combination on the 9 ball.
This is my life 9 ball game because life was substituted up from bullshit 9 ball game.
Life Above is a kind of thinking in the shady
That makes you reincarnated
Follow in the footsteps of the moon, until your Life Above
a roblox game where all the online daters say "123 FOR GF" or "123 FOR BF". some online daters are found in the game. you can make them break up if you have admin commands if you are a popular youtuber (which i bet you aren't). you turn yourself invisible. go inside their house. go to their location. make their bf force to say "I HATE YOU!" or "You look ugly" or "Your clothes look so lame" and over 9,000 insults you can come up with. Until their gf breaks up
Moving on. You can also adopt a baby in baby strollers and throw them in the water for the lulz
Person: Adopts a baby in Life in Paradise. 2 minutes later. Nevermind. (throws in water)
Person 2: WAAAAAAAAA. *drowns*
A form, being or presence that can be blamed when u do not wish to take the consequence of your actions.
(Hershy hits Borrish in the face.)
Borrish: Owww what the hell was that for.
Hershy: What you goin onna bout, that clearly wasnt me.
Borrish: Yeah it was, I saw you do it!
Hershy: No you didn't, it was an exterior life-form.
Borrish: Oh, thats ok then :)