When you score the game winning point after the other team being at match point for a while.
Doneal saved the ball and was almost clutch clutch double dutch, but Joshua fucked up the pass, making us lose the heart breaking game.
An attempt to expire an already expired organism
"I'm already dead, hard Double Donking a corpse"
When you just nutted and take a few minutes of a break to shit and then nut again.
I just hit a Double Dougie on Azaan and Caiden last night.
when you use indeed twice, consecutively, in a conversation; therefore the second time you would say double indeed
"It's raining" - person
"Indeed" - you
"It's cold" - person
"Double indeed" - you
Taking a hit of marijuana(Mary) from a bong filled with Bloody Mary.
*** If you're bold enough, take the hit and drink the Bloody Mary right after.
Bro, last night was wild! I did a Double Mary. Just when I was done taking the hit of Mary, I started drinking down the Bloody, and things got super high! Afterwards I had to hit the solo rollo to come back.
A double feature dropkick is a powerful dropkick including a running start. A double feature dropkick includes both feet being firmly planted somewhere on the victims body. The chest is a popular and effective area to be targeted.
It is often shortened to "double-feature"
The boxer was winning the fight at first, so the other kid backed off and sent a double feature dropkick the boxers way.
When two fat asses with double chins rub their chins together to slide in between.
When Corey and Mark met they could not resist double chin scissoring each other to create a magical double chin bond.