A saying expressing the boost from new controllers that will increase and make combollers(game mechanics) betters
You know what they say New Controllers Better Combollers
When I picked Tom up from his house. He asked me if those were New Kicks I got for my Lambo.
Teenagers butts and pheromone when master eating
I've been on the new pcp too long in getting tied because they fly
A surprisingly bias news source. Almost every media company has a left or right winged bias, eh?
"I heard that CBC News is liberal. Weird."
When you use tajin while giving a rim job.
Hey did you know that they give New Mexico Rimmers here?
The far-right junkie's daily injection of toxic fantasy and rage.
He needed it bad, needed it now! now! startin' to shake 'n where's the remote? Where is my Goddamned remote?! Ping! and oh, right there! Hannity!!... ahhhhh... there... my Fix News, okay man, rigged, fraud, reverse the election, dead voters, Venezuelan ballots and man-made covid 'cause Melania takes her mask off in the goddamned children's hospital and the kids do not get sick and die, one kleenex and so what?! not over, man, not over, second term landslide starts inauguration day... better now, so... much......... better.
When a person gets a brand new pair of shoes and they at all costs avoid activities that could damage or stain the pair.
The victim will take extreme measures to protect their shoes, sometimes going as far as harming others.
The effect usually wears off after the first few scuffs and stains, or after a month or two.
Person 1: "Sorry man, I can't go hiking this week, I got the brand new $700 Jayden 4's and I'm all out of plastic shoe covers"
Person 2: "Damn, you must be suffering from New Shoe Syndrome"
Person 1: "You don't understand mate, these are more valuable to me than my family"