The accent of Eastern Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Parts of Eastern Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Maine. It's part of the New England culture. You'll see it on some TV Shows like Family Guy. The accent is declining amongst younger speakers, but older speakers will have a thick New England accent.
Examples of the New England Accent:
Jordan's Furniture - Jahdins Fahnityah
New Hampshire - New Hampshuh
New York - New Yahk
Red Sox - Red Sawx
Water Fountain - Bubbler
Speed Bump - Speed Hump
Very Cold - Wicked Cold
Turn Signal - Blinker
Roundabout - Rotary
February - Febuary
March - Mahch
Summer - Summuh
Your - Yuh
Here - Hy
Asshole - Ess'ole
Worcester - Wuhstuh
Cape Cod - The Cape
Martha's Vineyard - The Vinyuhd
Police - Coppuh
A brand new race of gamers who reject the modernized gaming societies and have reverted to more a classical approach. They are self-proclaimed to derive from the ancient race of gamers with a similar name, the Minerrioxians. This new race of gamers are introduced to three modes of entertainment, console, mobile, and PC gaming, and now play three games that are now insanely popular: Minecraft (specifically version 1.16 The Nether Update), Terraria (specifically Journey's End), and Roblox (specifically 2.439 "The Dark Age of Roblox"). There are millions, maybe billions of people who unknowingly fit into the category.
Hey dad? What are these old blocky games everyone is playing now? Terraria? Minecraft? Huh????
Ah, I remember those three games, they must be New Minerrioxians!
A game first released on the Nintendo 3DS in September 2012 in Japan.
PAL version of Style Savvy Trendsetters. (released October 2012)
In fanon, it is an 26 June 2017 DollTv reality television series and Shabnam is the most famous out of any cast member.
New style boutique is my favourite game
one painting with four perceptions
Anyone can use create painting that fall under the category of new impressionism. This term was coined by the New Impressionist ( Cordoba)
read word downwards
coke unveils new taste
new drink
Person1: Did you see King's new pfp?
Person2: Yeah that's an ugly ass duck.
New demon ghost appears on live.
TMBOY22 the most popular YouTubers who caught a demon ghost hovering behind the bushes at 2:34 at night in the forest. Later then, 3:21 TMBOY22 reported it to the police station where now it starts getting attention. She says “I didn’t expect it to happen, I was shaking.” There were 2 dead bodies in the forest.
Polices we’re now investigating the forest and telling other people to stay at there homes.
professional investigators mentions that red leafs were on the dead bodies stomach, polices wanted to found out why there were red leafs on the dead bodies stomach, they check the prints of the red leaf. And they figured out the name of the demon ghost.
CONTACT US: 6264183687 to send informations to the case.
34-year old man near in VILE 7478 WEST NAVILE says “the BLOODY LEAF GHOST would knock on my door, I looked out in the window and I didn’t saw anyone till this case happened.. people mentions that they also got a knock from there door too, i also heard that the demons ghost were the ones from the grave.”
Be aware of the new demon ghosts.