she was so bad, she was bad like bcl-2.
yo, i saw that girl you told me about, she was bad like bcl-2 bro.
When something isn’t bad enough to be good but still bad and not good, like the 2015 Action/Comedy movie Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2
Woah dude, Megamind 2 was totally in the Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 Zone.
The date when we’re going to get married . If ur friends says “ 6 / 2 / 26 “ that means they want to get married to u .
Friend 1 : Hey guys ! 6 / 2 / 26 !
Friend 2 : Why do u want to marry all of us
When a lass grabs both his legs, puts one leg at 10 to the hour, the other leg at 2 o’clock and goes tongue deep on your bum hole
Did she suck you off and lick your balls? She done better than that and whacked me straight into 10 to 2 and jet washed my rim man!
Describes da varying degrees of hard-on dat a male golfer gets from watching a hot busty number lean over to tee up a ball, revealing her luscious cleavage for him to see; da more of her ample tits dat get revealed to his lustful gaze dat way, da higher his "wood number".
I went through a complete range of "1, 2, and 3 woods" while Tiffany was playing a round of golf wif me; finally I couldn't stand it anymore, and so I yanked down her golfing shorts and took her right then and there in da middle of the putting green!
It is the second part of grab ass day it is April 12
It’s grab ass day part 2