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a website which gives us information about the future
person 1: hey what does 'bruh' mean?
person 2: look on the URBAN DICTIONARY bruh!
A website where even the most fire definitions get more dislikes than likes.
“Search it up on Urban Dictionary”
“Thanks man, Gonna try it out.”
10 seconds later
“What the hell”
a website you go to to most likely find out about your name and your friends' names, most likely you'll be dissapointd and figgure out that like my last name Allister... I am a complete and utter retard who laughs to much.. but there on the opposite my first name, Bonnie.... a beautyfull one of a kind girl.... so decide urban dictionary! am I a retard or a beautyfull woman???
._. how'm I supposed to find a sentence for this????
guy: go check your name on urban dictionary
other guy; I did... appairantly I'm a complete and utter retard...
Bro I was making a word in the urban dictionary when someone decided to search up Urban Dictionary in Urban Dictionary isn't he/she dumb?
A company that i lost interest in within minutes after realizing how I can't dislike certain post that coincidently coincide with mainstream media views
Urban Dictionary is bias
Literal Death *searches up a name*
Urban dictionary: ah yes u said pp
why are u here on this cursed urban dictionary