pause the game
Mom: pause the game me: You are the reason why toothpaste has instruction's on what to do after you eat it
Your mom intentionally trying to sabotage your perfect bedwars experience
Me: break 6 beds and going to break last one to do the perfect game
My mom: pause the game and do the dish!
small youtuber with a very small fan base and works hard on his videos
Legofanhead Gaming On YouTube
An phrase used and likely originating from pro gamer JESSE JO MARTINEZ, as early as 2006 in Guild Wars 1 or 2010 in Heroes of Newerth, when a game, match, round, or video game is near or about to be over, and you or your team are winning or losing. Usually it gets mumbled in frustration or in excitement over voice comms.
*Team A just did something stupid, giving Team B the lead. "That's game, we lost bois."
*Team A just did something really awesome near the end of a game turning the game into a win shortly after. "That's game. That's GG. We won this easy."
If said before a game is over in all chat, will be interpreted as you being either demoralized or wanting to concede, or confident you've already won the game.
the realest man out there, legend says his cock is 7 inches FLACCID, his only downside is is that he smells like shit because he refuses to shower
"Oh my god, he's such an octogonal gaming"
"Yeah but he smells like shit"
The modern, 20-somethings version of a ‘swingers party’ but with video games. Guys play games and girls get all slutty with them. Then when the dude is sick of the game or the chick he swaps with another dude. Hopefully he scores.
I’m bored of this game… let’s throw a Game Swinging night so we can get some new games and some new chicks.
BootCamp Gaming is a content creator that drinks beer and learns how to play Call of Duty over and over again.
Me and Jimmy were playing Call of Duty last night. I told him where the jump button was for the fourth time. Jimmy pulled a BootCamp Gaming
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