Meni pise private rank 2 is a sentence that a young Serbian youtuber Mihajlo Madic said when he was asked does he have prime in cs:go.
Guy 1: Mihajlo imas li prime?
Mihajlo: Meni pise private rank 2
Guy 2: Boli me kurcina, de izbaci ovog bohte
Means you get hella bitches and are an absolute stud
He likes throwing up 2 in the pink 1 in the stink
Question 2
«Would I ever have a chance to listen to the rhythms when you play guitar..?»
I sometimes imagine myself being close to you when you play guitar. You sit behind me and put your fingers on my fingers, and show me how to play it..
I would turn around and smile: "You show me how to play wrong notes.. That's not how the Alphabet song sounds like.."
"No, I play it with my heart" - :)
Question 2, I know this is almost impossible. It's only in my imagination. Reality won't allow us.
by The Gardener in Fairy Tales February 04, 2022
March 2 is national make out day. you like it or not people are aloud to Make out with you
Hey bro wanna make out ?
It's march 2
March 2nd is Youssef Salah’s birthday and everyone should go tell him happy birthday.
“Omg it’s march 2nd, it’s youssef’s birthday let’s go tell him happy birthday
National Steal Your Crushes Clothing Day.
You can steal their sweatshirt or any article of clothing.
Margaret: Omg it’s March 2. I’m steal Charlie’s sweatshirt and he can’t say no
<title> Chapter 2 Help GO1DE </title>
chapter 2</h1>
displacement change in position to final position
velocity change of displacement divided by time
speed is change of distance/ speed
slope of velocity graph is x/t
lines going up in a straight line have constant positive velocity
straight line has zero velocity
line going straight down negatively velocity
Instananeous velocity
velocity at an instant of time
like whats teh velocity at: t=3.0s?
this is usually compared with other graphs.
Section 2.2
rate of change in velocity
example 2b on pg 49
acceleration has direction negative positive like east west north or going fast or slow
Table of velocity and acceleration
<table border ="1">
<td> Vi </td>
<td> A </td>
<td> Motion </td>
<td> + </td>
<td> + </td>
<td> speeding up </td>
Get the picture?</h1>
- and - speed up
+ - slow
0 0 resting
Motion with constant acceleration
as a ball falls from the ceiling its displacement changes as well as velocity. figure 2-11 pg.51
this is the world of Chpater 2 PhysiksaAA