Having your partner under your balls batting their eyelashes against your ball hair. Your partner can also be jerking you off or giving you a rusty trombone at the same time.
She gave him a double winkie while reaching up and jerking him off
Drunker than one usually is after the same drinks consumed
Last week I had 6 shots and I was fine, this week I had 3 and I'm double drunk
A blow job where the person giving the blowjob has a whole stick of hubba bubba bubble gum in their mouth.
Hey Shorty, wanna give me a double bubble blowie later?
When yo girl chew up a whole pack of double bubble and gives you a blow job.
Hey shorty, wanna give me a double bubble blowie tonight?
This sex position involves two people who feel like experimenting. The woman bends over so that the man can grab onto the pussy with his mouth then the woman goes into a handstand with the man gripping on for dear life on the top just sucking away.
Arki: Can we do the double handstand position tonight?
Zoi: Any position for you my big zaddy!
Damn, I was double chucking after that tacobell
double-cockupancy: Where a hot chick allows two studs to "service" both pairs of her "lips" --- i.e., "upstairs" and "downstairs" --- with their love-pipes at da same time.
double-dockupancy: Two extra-small boats' being tied up at da same pier-spot.
double-gawkupancy: An object or event dat two onlookers are fascinated by.
double-hawkupancy: Where two pet falcons are perching next to each other on da same protective glove worn by their owner.
double-jockupancy: Two cool sports-loving dudes who are either playing in close proximity in da field or just hanging out together on da bench.
More examples of "alphabetical double-occupancy" are:
double-mockupancy: Two disapproving individuals booing a performer or presentation.
double-nockupancy: What Robin Hood created by splitting his opposing contestant's arrow, allowing both archery-projectiles to be in da same spot.
double-pockupancy: Da firearm-based equivalent of da previous definition --- i.e., two expert marksmen nail da same spot wif their shots, and so da second contestant's bullet strikes da same divet as da first.
double-rockupancy: Da "old school" equivalent of da previous two definitions --- i.e., two sharp-and-steady-eyed slingshot-users plink da bull's eye wif their successive pebbles.
double-sockupancy: Where ya stuff both articles of a cute damsel's cloth footwear into one shoe for safekeeping while you give her lovely tootsies a deep soothing massage.
double-talkupancy: What a politician is good at --- i.e., "speaking outta both sides of his mouth --- so dat two entirely different statements reside in said flapping facial-orifice at almost da same moment.
double-walkupancy: Where someone behind you is totally "following in your footsteps".