This is what u watch when a real Bruh moment happens
Yo that's a real bruh sound effect #2 moment
Dude, how bored do you have to be to get to this level?
Pay attention in class instead of being on here
bruh /z.x,cmvnba's;dlfkgjhq\werptoyiu1=2-30495867 is crazy
a word to discribe one of my friends peenis size
wow my friend *blank* has 2 inches!
Meaning you nail it in 2 takes
Lil white mama: I want to video that! Can we? It was so funny!
Brotha: Fo sho.
Lil White Mama: Wow, you nailed it!
Brotha: Just call me 2 take Tony
One of the weaker Metal Gear Solid main titles, along with Metal Gear Solid 5. The plot is an incomprehensible and nonsensical mess and it has some pretty bland level design for most of the game. The best parts of an otherwise forgettable entry were the Tanker and Arsenal Gear segments that comprise 30% of the game. Those were peak Metal Gear Solid experiences. Otherwise, it’s just a bland rehash of Metal Gear Solid.
Metal Gear Solid 2 was pretty average. Thankfully, Snake Eater came out afterward.