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New Word

New word is new word and new word is is new word and new word is is new word and new word is is new word and new word is is new word and new word is is new word and new word is is new word and new word is is new word and new word is is new word and new word is is new word and new word is NEW WORD

The new word is introduced to urmom.

by Abnur March 3, 2023

New Word

a word added to the Urban Dictionary by a random person

A new word is being added at this moment by Carlie Jensen Rocherty.

by Starscale May 6, 2021

New word

A word that is older than time itself

New word are so old

by iowe odsehvjdfnsdkjfnsdk.fn June 10, 2019

New Word

A word that someone adds to Urban Dictionary

Andy had no ideas to add to Urban Dictionary so he added New Word instead

by WhatsHisFace12346 August 13, 2017

New Word

Type a new word. All the definitions on Urban Dictionary were written by people just like you. Now's your chance to add your own!

"Hey man, type a new word on your document"

by Mikey736 March 31, 2022

new word

my names viola and i wanted to make a word but i didnt know what to do so i just said new work- ps im so special

omg i am so cool new word

by fillyhasadhd June 9, 2023


It is a définition for something u just made up

Hey i just made a New Word

by Jack.y.boy December 12, 2018