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Life Saver

1. a duo show with Isabella Hin and Madeleine Roger-Lacan at Bubenberg
2. paintings and photographs, aquatic and anadyomene

Did you see Life Saver ? It's a fantastic show.

by instanibor October 11, 2018

Sacredness of life

A completely bullshit term that pro-lifers use when talking about their opposition towards abortion, in that abortion harms the most vulnerable in society. As someone whose autistic, I can tell you the opposite is true and that this complete nonsense. If you see anyone using this argument realize that they are not genuine and that abortion is about taking away your individual rights and not protecting the "sacredness of life". Be a decent person and support the right of a mother to have an abortion, not the rights of a fetus that isn't developed and cannot feel pain.

The Sacredness of life is completely nonsense since pro-lifers only care about taking away your individual rights and could care less about the children who are actually born into the societies they are placed into, and even if you do find the "logically consistent" ones who claim to oppose all attacks on human life, (such as the death penalty and ect) it's still moral dishonesty since you cannot morally justify forcing a woman to give birth regardless what your political positions are. Be a decent person and support abortion rights.

by Kelmeer23 July 31, 2023

emilia's sex life

Fucks people with out asking always on her toes. is always happy, She will make you fuck her.

Emilia's sex life is interesting

by uareu June 25, 2019

My life so far

Just literal fucking garage fire

Oh how’s it going?

My life so far

by Bumcrackchesse4u October 12, 2020

Cooper’s life improvement plan

Living life like Jordan Thomas Cooper suggested which was approved by Secretary of Education Dr. Paige.

Cooper’s life improvement plan made sure people planned everything they did, prayed, and read informatively.

by Coop Dupe May 31, 2023

Rabbit life

A helpless way of life.

The girl wanted everyone else to live like rabbits. She thought the rabbit life was best for them.

by Solid Mantis March 21, 2020

Among us In real life

(sus, sus)

Among us in real life, spaceship with my crew

by Myles's Pseudonym September 19, 2022