When a situation arrives that hinders one from participating in events they would normally attend, or would like to attend.
When a person has prior obligations that obscure them from attending an event with their friends.
Guy 1 - "Hey man you gonna make the concert this weekend?"
Guy 2 - "Naw man, doc said I can't leave the house with my broke leg. Really "gaying me down".
"My girlfriend said I can't go to the titter this weekend, really gaying me down over here."
the phrase "cami me down" means to down someone's cami
this phrase originated in cumy penis land
this phrase can also mean to beat the living shit out of someone
yo cami me down 😏
when timmy is busting it down sexual style
when you have all the chromosones
Yea Nathan have down syndrome
Someone with an extra chromosome
He liking his balls i think he has Down syndrome