A organism named "Chicken", people make chicken nuggies with them. and they also say COCKADOODLEDOOOOOOOOOOOOO
A feathered flightless bird
It does not exist
If you can see one you need to go to a psychiatrist because you are hallucinating
"Dude! That chicken is so cute and fluffy!"
"Chickens do not exist, go to a psychiatrist."
A casino slot machine. When you lose, it becomes a chicken
*loses machine*
Ah, Come on! Ya Chicken!
A racist term and to insult people who shit with there pants on
Legal drug for black people.
Tyrone: Yo Tyreese, you wanna get high fo?
Tyreese: Fo sho, what we getting high on?
Tyrone: Fried Chicken!
Tyreese: Cool, I'll holler at ya homie.
Warning: may not be compatible with Vegans.
Hey gurrrllll, I’m just Chicken you Out hehehehe.