Source Code

Guido party

A party that single Italian guys go to, where they try to have sexual intercourse with as many females as they can before the night is over.

"Hey Coriella, you going to Matteo's guido party tonight."

"Dude I really just need to throw a guido party and fuck some chicks"

by Guidette101 November 13, 2015

Totino's Party

Totino's party is a perfect blend of Totino's pizza rolls and mindless orgy sex typically starting off as a normal pizza party until someone busts out a bag of Totino's pizza rolls and everyone is swept away by the pure pleasure of partaking in pizza rolls.

Greg: yo this pizza party is amazing!
Simone: hey guys, I brought a bag of pizza rolls.
Greg: hell yeah, now it's gonna be a Totino's party

by The Alpaca king August 13, 2018

pleasure in the front and party in the back

Said in the middle of a sexual conversation pleasure in the front and party in the back

When someone says it to you in the middle of a sexual conversation pleasure in the front and party in the back

by Ghost me November 10, 2020

Some party

Given as an explanation of a long visit to the toilet, occasioned by a messy poo.

That was some party! It took me ages to clean up the mess.

by MrChigleysAunt April 27, 2022

hot sausage party

The act of pouring hot sauce all over your shit and shoving it in a girls vagina, and then sticking your dick inside the vagina. (PS: Add Sour Cream by cumming in her pussy)

"I went to a party last weekend, we had a huge hot sausage party!"

by Hargenblarg January 14, 2025

Reall my party

When you release your inhibitions and have a good time with whatever you're doing.

Now that no one has work tomorrow... my place to reall my party?

by BigGuy87 January 31, 2021

drag party casual

An informal dress code for an a gay affair after 5pm. Derived from the brilliance of Mother RuPaul that brilliantly said, “You’re born naked and the rest is drag.” Wear what makes you feel mother-tucking beautiful. Opulence!

“What that means is that we are all more than just what it says we are on our driver's license. Or, what it says we are in our job description. We are actually, in reality, an extension of the power that created the whole universe.” - Mama Ru

I am wearing a bedazzled jumpsuit with glow-in-the-dark boots because I heard the party was drag party casual and that’s what makes me feel bada$$!!!

by iamtheJackie March 7, 2022