An increment of time, usually lasts about an bour, where you partake in faggotry to fufill your faggot tendencies and desires.
I like to reserve my hour lunch break for faggot time.
- Doing unproductive work at office
- Wasting time when someone during paid time.
Tamas was doing time corruption by watching porn in office time.
The last thing you'd wanna hear after a job interview, especially when you thought you did well
*receives email notification*
email: We HaVe DeCiDeD tO mOvE fOrWaRd WiTh OtHeR cAnDiDaTeS aT tHiS tImE
Getting The Sale! For the Win! Anything positive for your benefit or for the team, regardless of whether the "time" or "event" taking place is plural or singular.
Hey Guys!!! Johnny just bagged another sale!
Benji : Two Times A Good Time!
Wizard time is that moment when you are flirting and sparks/lightning/other wizard special effects happen and you realize that you've got them in the bag and you're going to get some tonight.
So I met this guy at a party last night, he bought me a drink, we were talking and it was like BAM! wizard time.
One of the many euphemisms for smoking marijuana, this one derived from The Lord of the Rings. Wizard time occurs when someone hits that pipeweed like Gandalf in the Shire. Wizard time may happen at 4:20 or any other time of the day or night because wizards are never late, nor are they early. They light up precisely when they mean to.
"Wanna go out for dinner tonight?"
"Nah, let's just order pizza and load up a bowl. It's wizard time."