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ghost rider

When your fucking a girl from behind and holding her pigtails. While doing this you be sure to have her facing the headboard of the bed or a wall. At random let go of her hair and slam her head into the wall.

man, she got a concussion when he gave her the ghost rider!

by poopy mcshitpants September 12, 2006

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wave rider

When you like something because of someone else Elis is a wave rider

James likes red Elis likes purple but since James likes red Elis likes red Elis is a wave rider

by Elison is a Dog January 6, 2018

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Freedom Rider

A freedom rider is a nice way to call someone a slut.

Man that chick looks like the biggest freedom rider

by tbang123 October 6, 2009

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Low Rider

When you fart and the fart travels towards the front of your body moving across your tant and up towards your balls or pussy, giving you a tickling sensation. Usually occurs when there is excessive sweat in the area.

That fart was a low rider and it just tickled my balls.

by KJ Squirrel November 14, 2013

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Ghost rider

When your having sex with a girl and your hitting it from behind and then light her hair on fire and proceeded to yell โ€œIโ€™m the fucking ghost riderโ€

Iโ€™m the fucking ghost rider bro

by Lit biscuits April 15, 2018

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the bull rider

It's when you are doing a chick from behind and as you are both enjoying yourselves, you hold on to her, lean over her ear and wisper another girls name which will then make her mad and try and kick you off like a bull.

"Hey man i heard you are single now cause you did the bull rider on you gf last weekend."

by Kopaka70788 August 28, 2017

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Night Rider

A really awesome car ride that involves yelling "NightRiders!" from the car at least 50 times at people you don't know.
Also known as a good time, or downright awesome.

First guy: Oh man, those Night Riders were so cool! Yelling from their car!

Second guy: YEAH, totally f***in awesome!

by nightriders00777 May 30, 2011

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