Source Code

rage squit

If youre Rage Squitting at a game you don't Quit the Game but intstead shut the Console Off.
The "s" comes from the Squids in Splatoon in which the only Way of Quittung in the Game is to shut Off the WiiU.

Defeat the turf or I'll rage squit fucking squid kids.

by Krassfoor October 7, 2015


an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason towards a specifc type of raging.

Krizzy- "hey bros..lets roll our faces off!"
Q dawg- "no bro! lets trip balls!"
Xtina- " Lets not be rage-udice and candy flip..dick nuggets!"

by The beast inside of you November 26, 2011

Gamer rage

When you get particularly heated in a game and begin uncontrollably shouting racial slurs at the opposition

Kevin: dude that was totally racist

Tyrone: don't worry it was just Gamer rage

by therealgamerman November 4, 2020

queer rage

Is an invitation to embrace the roots of the queer liberation movement and a rejection of watered-down Pride campaigns and parades. It's the true spirit of Pride and a call to fight back against the systems attempting to harm queer communities.

nothing fires up my queer rage like a straight person asking me who's the 'man' in my relationship.

by potato546 May 1, 2023

Raging Johnny

- n. | Anyone currently in the act of attempting to harm an individual.

- n. | Any homosexual that will uproar at a homophobic remark.

- v. | A visible state of drunkenness.

Look at all these <RAGING JOHNNY'S>... Give em' more beer! It's fucking St. Patrick's Day.

by Sori_Boi March 28, 2009

rage bender

When something sets your temper off and you end up going down a rage rabbit hole, releasing all your pent up frustrations in a self destructive manner.

Microsoft messed up my laptop again with another one of their unwanted updates. The frustration led to a full blown rage bender in which I'm now going off about Microsoft, Apple, the incompetence of my government, the cost of various insurances, and the fact that the times on the clocks in my house don't match as well.

by It'smeKT February 28, 2020

Text Rage

when people get angry about a text that was misunderstood. This usually happens when the texter forgets that sarcasm and charming voices do not carry well via text. The textee then feels that anger or ill will has been presented and lashes out against the unsuspecting sender of the original text. Friendships have been severed and spouses have been murdered due to such trivial matters. It's amazing we are all still alive to read this bit of nonsense.

Upon reading and misunderstanding his wife's text, he fell into a fit of text rage, throwing his cell phone across the room and watching it smash into pieces.

by buggerritt October 25, 2012