Source Code

haka boogie

anger stupid

well my smart person said there is no Australia haka boogie

by hakaboogianamaoriora October 20, 2021

snot boogie

A snot boogie is a booger that is blown out through the nose, it must make a sound as though something sticky is holding it back or it is simply not a snot boogie

I blew my snot boogie directly on the ground

by Killerhotdog108 March 13, 2020

a boogie bestie

A bestie who is freaky with you, like how aboogie. Describes in his song “bestie”

I asked her if she wanted to be my a boogie bestie?

by MTTM May 6, 2020


When one or a few people are stripped down to their underwear and drenched in water in a large crowd. Then the surrounding crowd throws glitter and bath bombs at the people in the middle, while others proceed to cover their hands in multi colored paint and slap and grope the person(s) in the middle of the crowd.

Tristian & Joseph: “ASHLEY, ADRI! WHAT TO YALL!?”
Ashley & Adri: “we got Boogie-Bombed…😭”

by Agent Yuragaymin July 14, 2024

Ty boogie

Someone who fakes being a crip to try and seem cool. Tells fake stories about gang banging to try and seem hard when they’re really butter soft.

You see that blue bandana, he crip? Nah, he ain’t crip he a Ty boogie.

by Ayyyitslitfamm January 24, 2022

Ty boogie

Someone who fakes being a crip to try and seem cool. Tells fake stories about gang banging to try and seem hard when they’re really butter soft.

You see that blue bandana, he crip? Nah, he ain’t crip he a Ty boogie.

by Ayyyitslitfamm January 24, 2022

Panther Boogie

To smack a black dick with your hand to make it "boogie".

Tyrone makes me give him panther boogies to make him less sensitive.

by P. Sargent August 5, 2015