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An asshole

stop bein such a callum!

by yeetus _the _fetus_ 12345 February 4, 2020


ling ling who will litteraly take gorlock the destroyer to bed callum is that desperate. stay tf away from him if you wanna keep your v card. oh and your dick (he tends to rip them off) not to mention hisfantasies about having a threesome with Joe Biden and Kim Jong Un.

callum will slap yo cheeks boi better watch out

by MyTingBushyDownThere November 3, 2024


The best boyfriend You could ever ask for! He is kind, cute, hot, caring, smart and so loveable!

“Who's that sexy fella, probably a Callum.” ,callum

by Bubble_butterfly February 19, 2022


Someone that has a crush on fictional characters who are below the age of consent (>16). Characters include Bambi and Anais (Amazing World of Gumball)

"is that callum?!"
"yeah bro thats the minor lover"

by orbiixt January 23, 2024


Someone that has a crush on fictional characters who are below the age of consent (<16). Characters include Bambi and Anais (Amazing World of Gumball)

"is that callum?" "yeah its damn well that kiddie fiddler"

by orbiixt May 27, 2023


a dumbass who shits on himself and makes explicit content voices

oh my god callum just shit on himself

by fghgfghgfcvbhgh April 25, 2023


A Boring ass stoner that you date for two weeks

eww look there's a Callum

by 1224536728940487654321 April 21, 2020