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St. Patricks Catholic High School (Biloxi, MS)

The worst school on the earth. Hey, I'm not kidding.

ps. Principal Trosclair wants your money, he's like a vaccum JFC GTFOFOFOFOFOO

"Man, Trosclair at St. Patricks Catholic High School (Biloxi, MS) needs to GTFO SRSLY RN HES DRIVING ME INSANE"
"Don't forget, he's driving us all into a major debt. I blame bush"
"You blame Bush for everything"
"...yeah, so"
"so thats gay"
"but tru"
"so tru"

by anonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn July 23, 2008

33👍 29👎

Fuck me up the ass like a Catholic Priest

To take unfair advantage, such as in business negotiations, while seizing the moral high ground.

Bob: I can purchase the equipment you’re selling at a lower price AND from an environmentally conscious supplier.
Ted: Oh for Christ’s sake, don’t fuck me up the ass like a Catholic priest!

by Worthy_sojourner September 4, 2021

4👍 4👎

fuck me up the ass like a Catholic priest

To take unfair advantage of someone, such as in business negotiations, while seizing the moral high ground.

Bob: We can purchase the equipment at a lower price AND from an environmentally conscious supplier.
Ted: Oh for Christ’s sake, don’t try to fuck me up the ass like a Catholic priest!

by Worthy_sojourner September 4, 2021

2👍 6👎

mibulls sailcloth blindsight lifeline anan rectipetality faultlessly offered scleromalacia neighed catholicate

mibulls sailcloth blindsight lifeline anan rectipetality faultlessly offered scleromalacia neighed catholicate

"When I played act 2 of Doki Doki Literature Club, Natsuki 'glitched' and said 'mibulls sailcloth blindsight lifeline anan rectipetality faultlessly offered scleromalacia neighed catholicate' to me."

by Super Loves Cakes June 19, 2022

Nigga Jigga Hick Jew Morman Muslim Gook Catholic Indian Nazi Spic Slanty-Eyed Foghat Gay Dyke Homo "Eh?"sayer Fatass Wigger Cauck Albino Assclown

a racial/sexist/anti religional/offensive slurr with almost every form of discrimination in it

Example 1)
joe: yo look at that Nigga Jigga Hick Jew Morman Muslim Gook Catholic Indian Nazi Spic Slanty-Eyed Foghat Gay Dyke Homo "Eh?"sayer Fatass Wigger Cauck Albino Assclown!

jim: shut up you Nigga Jigga Hick Jew Morman Muslim Gook Catholic Indian Nazi Spic Slanty-Eyed Foghat Gay Dyke Homo "Eh?"sayer Fatass Wigger Cauck Albino Assclown

Example 2) proof that anyone can make fun of anyone and unless the world stops hating we are all doomed

by TheWiseMan March 2, 2005

387👍 167👎

St Mary Catholic Elementry School

St.Mary Catholic Elementry School is were everyones a pussy and snitches, the princibles are shit and the school acts rich but is acc poor AF, they steal the money and realry give back to the kids. the teacher are too hard on these kids and the kids act like animals (mostly)

I go to St Mary Catholic Elementry School

by easybaker0029 March 7, 2023

Mary Ward Catholic secondary school

filled with asian's i think i has the only latina breathing in that school. teachers r shit and so are the other 05's

person: ewww smells like shit
me: thats Mary Ward catholic secondary school

by salamipooh November 13, 2023