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Likes to sing


by Stuart Gary November 24, 2021


Also known as Houdini or the flash. Has a weird rubber duck fetish & will drug you the second you turn around because he's a big time junkie.

Also possibly got possessed by a spirit with a toe fetish

-Where'd Allen go?

Allen *hidding in the dark behind a curtain for absolutely no fucking reason*

by SexyDuckyLover April 25, 2019


Allen is someone who is caring. They overthink a lot in their mind and sometimes their mind can blur their thoughts. They think little of themselves even though so may people love them!! They can be a dick sometimes but they never mean to. They are a transgender gay nerd who flirts with people they like. They are a amazing friend and they have gone through a lot in their past but they tend to take all of the things their going through as lessons. They have buckteeth and have the most amazing laugh. They are a short gremlin child. They get all the ladies but in their eyes they see very little. It’s a Allen.

Guy #1- Dude Allen got Martha, Jessica, AND David.

Guy #2- wait David is gay?

Guy #3- I mean what did you expect? Allen gets everyone

by GayYyyY.com June 10, 2022


Allen is a guy who likes to blend in to his environment whether it be the mtr or a straight up classroom where he is the popular kid. His version of starting a conversation is usually scaring someone from behind and speaking or arriving quietly when you expect him the least, he does this to draw your attention towards him due to the fact that he is either very insecure or he is full on in love with you. He does not care much about his clothes as long as he likes them as well as his body figure (he just wants a average body type) and his electronics are little more important to him because he usually uses them a lot. In the case that he confesses his feelings for you and you lie, pray that he doesn't find out or he will destroy your close relationships with no mercy however this will be taxing on his mental health and make him feel very guilty. He is usually quite smart and is very insecure about his grades. His way of messing around is random he might want to play games or wrestle you. In the unlikely event where he falls in love he may first go for an Ashley then a Charmayne the a Latisha and possibly like a Hayley or an Alison.

Girl one:have you heard Charmayne just broke up with (person)
Girl two: yeah I heard that Allen told her boo to break up with her cuz she was a lying bitch.
Girl one: wasn't that when she lied that her parents wouldn't let her date and then she started dating another guy a week later.
Girl two:yep I think he also got rid of some of her friends.
Girl one: probably deserves it if she lied to an Allen.

by Sleep deprived teenager December 3, 2021


fine ahh mf

omg look at allen wit his fine ass😏

by nokizzylizzy October 17, 2021


The go-to man. Will live on to be a legend. Smart, resourceful, ambitious. Risk-averse isn't a pair of words one can use to describe him. Not a perfect man, but he works with his strengths and limitations. He will learn, improve and dominate.

You're going to have to be an Allen to manage that.

by Chigchig88 November 24, 2021


creap, foot fetish typed of person.

Allen is adicted to seeing feet

by Emma23567890-= April 21, 2024