Usually a b*tch with an attitude problem, can't seem to shut up no matter what. An Ashley usually tries to act ghetto and badass in text and surrounded by their friends, but alone in person they back out. Avoid Ashley's if you want to avoid unnecessary drama.
Person 1: Dude where'd you go?
Person 2: Ashley wanted to fight, but when I showed up he had her whole group and she wouldn't throw a punch. She just talked smack and walked away.
Person 1: Damn, what a b*tch..
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Noun. A girl who is sweet at times and can be good to get to know, pretty, smart at moments. And sometimes a good friend which is all needed. Though on the other hand. A girl who thinks that she's the sweetest thing and that drama is attracted to her but in reality she causes the drama. Really she's a whore and slut, and actually pretty much a complete dumbass. Pretends that she has acquired an accent possibly british or Aussie. Tends to have many boyfriends and surely doesn't care. One who should be slapped at times. Maybe a women or can grow but be stuck in her teenage ways.
Yea don't touch that it causes a Ashley.
Aww Ashley your so good.
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Ashleyโs are fucking anoying and need psychotic help. They use people for money, and only care about themselves
Ashleyโs are psychotic and annoying.
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a great girl who is willing to help others not a motherfucker
Ashley helped me on the math test
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A dumb piece of shit that always thinks she is above everyone. And she needs to stop pretending she can dance
Example: "Ashley is always peeing her bed"
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A low life, drama starting, petty ass cunt. She's always going out of her way to start drama amongst other people. She's always acting like her marriage and life is so perfect. In reality, her husband and children can't stand her either.
Ashley ruined Thanksgiving by starting petty drama.
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A low-key hoe who doms everyone in sight. Even is she's a woman she has a bigger cock than you
"she fucks so big with her Ashley cock."
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