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Double Awesome

Is another way to say epic when the word epic has been over used, or in short has lost its epicness. Also another way jsut to say somthing is more than just plain awesome for the heck of it. Or the 1984's way of saying epic...



Random person #1: Dude that movie is epic

Random person #2: Yeah its a pretty epic movie
Random person #3: Naw its just double awesome

Example 2:
Random person 1: dude that was awesome
Random person 2: No dude that was double awesome

by Aria112 December 26, 2011


Similar to awesome only waaaaay better.

New Hope is awesome.
The Empire Strikes Back is awesome-ome

by tarkinftw March 30, 2011


Awesome-ome is a word only used by those who truly understand the meaning of being awesome. One is unable to make full use of awesome-ome until true meaning of being awesome is accomplished.
Awesome-ome is the highest level of awesome.

Many strive to achieve my level of awesome-ome, but they fail because they have not achieved the true meaning.

by Shayman92 March 30, 2011

Boss awesome

1. The most awesome ever.

It was boss awesome when I dunked on LeBron.

by Tailer Trash 142 April 4, 2010

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bringing the awesome

The action of bringing the fun-ness, action, and entertainment to a certain place or scene.

"Hey man, are you coming to the party?"
"Yeah, I am gonna bring the drinks"
"Hell yeah, I'm bringing the awesome tonight!"

by Vinnie M. March 14, 2008

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Awesome o'clock

The hour, usually late at night, where everything is funny and all ideas are good. Can be induced with controlled substances.

Bob: "Hey guys, what if I dressed up as Batman and went out at night to scare people? Wouldn't that be sweet?"

Everyone: "Yep, Bob's definitely hit awesome o'clock. Go to bed, Bob."

by Altarian December 13, 2009

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Epitome of Awesomeness


dude #1:

there's this girl who's immensely intelligent, astonishingly beautiful & freakishly funny...she's like the "Epitome of Awesomeness"

dude #2:

she sounds like such a Brownski dude.

by LLCOOLJ October 31, 2013

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