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Fake n Aye

When someone hits and fake and they score.

Cedric pump faked the ball and they flew by and put in and said aye just like a fake n aye.

by Nicholas2XB May 19, 2024


I love and appreciate you

Hey Taiga il&ay... kay goodnight.

by Pyro Rice February 13, 2020


A testifier in court who claims dat he heard someone affirm/consent regarding a matter under contention by da two parties.

Da term "aye-witness" and also refer to a bu**s**t-spouting "yes-man" on da stand --- i.e., a shameless/clueless testimony-giver who just always agrees regarding anything he's asked about by either side of a legal proceeding, regardless of whether he actually thinks/knows dat his always confirming questions is truly accurate or not.

by QuacksO November 28, 2023

Alentine's Ay

Valentine's Day, but you're not getting the V nor the D

Person 1: Happy Alentine's Ay!
Person 2: What the fuck is that?
Person 1: Valentine's Day, but you're not getting the V nor the D.
Person 2: Of course that's what it is!

by PhoenixGamer34 February 14, 2025

Ay bah

It’s basically hey brah but way more fun to say. It originates from the Mississauga Blackhawks Hockey AA 2004. Invented by huge memers. It can be used in any response because it is funny.

Girlfriend: you really hurt me when you cheated
Boyfriend: Ay bah

by Masher7171 February 27, 2020

Aye Hlaing

A boy who is too pussy to talk to his crush. he is very shy but once you get to know him you will realize how much you will get angry at him. he says he loves his crush but ends up running away before she would say anything. he is a pussy.

person: why is that boy so shy with that girl?
Person: hes too pussy cause hes AYE HLAING

by YOURMOMFMAOOA November 21, 2021

aye boiz

A short phrase, used for things such as filling awkward silences, agreeing on a good idea, etc.

Its quite entertaining and often found to be quite funny/amusing. Usually said in a farmerish, high-pitched accent.


Debra: *starteled and upset*

Jenny: ... AYE BOIZ, er. nice weather?


Sheila: HAHAHAHA look what shes wearing..

Julie: AYE boiz, shes looking well. LOL.

by im funny. May 17, 2009