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Cougar Bitch

A older woman you don’t like who is engaged to your dad

Cougar bitch thinks she is going to be my dad’s number one priority

by Its_a_grace_ November 22, 2017

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zoo cougar

a formerly attractive wife who now lives off her ex husband. much like the caged big cats at the zoo who merely pace back and forth in their cages, unable to hunt or fend for themselves in the wild and live off of meat thrown in the cage; generally fat and lazy

"she was hot back when she was married but now she's just a zoo cougar"

by plstxmd March 10, 2009

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Cougar Face

A person who's face resembles the ass hole of a cougar or looks as though it has been mauled by a cougar!

"Oh wow, that girls face makes me want to puke, she has a cougar face"

by Joshua Costa July 17, 2008

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cougar sweat

to smear or wipe something under someone else's nose, most commonly used is ballsweat, anything sticky or wet can also be used.

damn son, i gave that kid the nastiest cougar sweat after my basketball game.

by mikal3 February 20, 2006

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Those supporting the Washington State University cougars who exhibit obnoxious behavior, arrogance and smack talk but did not attend the school. Most of these fans didn’t go to college and only have semi-retarded friends who attend WSU. They may also leverage a family connection (i.e my brother didn't get into UW so he went to WSU, therefore I have the right to talk smack about the Dawgs and act like a tool) to justify the poor, classless behavior. Ironically, it’s typically the Jack-Cougars who get the most defensive, trash talk the most about the University of Washington Huskies and respond with shouting of uneducated expletives.

Emily Spring is such a Jack-cougar. She couldn't even get into community college but still talks shit about the Dawgs

by realdawgfan March 11, 2011

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Cougar bait

Young athletic guys who work at gyms with a large volume of older women.

Cougar bait is working the check in counter again tonight.

by Joe Shit the Rag Maker May 12, 2017

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Ultimate Cougar

Taking the cougar relationship (younger man/older woman, age difference more than ten years or so) to the next level and getting married. This used to be very rare and still is relatively rare. Most cougars are not looking for permanent relationships like marriage.

My best friend did ultimate cougar last weeekend when he got married; he's twenty-nine and she's forty five.

by former Wyeth again December 22, 2011

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