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Count Grishnach

A leader of trolls from Tolkien's Ring trilogy.

A quirky old curmudgeonly bag of bones. What he lacks in teeth he makes up for with extrajudicious use of his tongue. His love of sleeping is surpassed only by his great love of eating which is so legendary it could be a lost fable of Aesop; such is his hunger that he will swallow whole an object half his length, his health and multi thousand dollar vet bills be damned. The more he eats the faster he barfs it back up though.

That Count Grishnach really fooled you! While you were in the bathroom he won his own hot dog eating contest and then barfed.

by Lord Grimm November 24, 2021

Count choadulus

meaning someone how is acting sus.

you are acting like a count choadulus

Your such a count choadulus

by BENNETS BITCH June 30, 2021

Count your randi's

Another term for 'Count your blessings' coz Randi is an absolute blessing

stop being ungrateful bro, count your randi's and be thankful

by CoccyMilker November 24, 2020