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The โ€“Dog phenomenon occurs when a person has a friend or associate, generally someone exceptionally white, who thinks their ghetto. This person aka wanker adds Dog to the end of the name of every single person they come into contact with as they believe it makes them look cool.

person one: Hey Em-dog,hey bree-dog,
Person Two: Fuck Off

by kangaandjunk October 6, 2008

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Your homie, pimp. Ya know, the G in your crib

Yo Dog why dont you fuck in yo nickies biatch?


YO fuckpants why you be fuckin' my dog.

by CJ011 June 22, 2005

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Its a fucking dog. A mans god damn best friend

Its a dog dude. Come on. Really?

by dudethatlikesfunnydefinitions June 22, 2014

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This man your referring to sounds as if he has a dogness about him. Sex driven, extreme, hornness

This man your referring to sounds as if he has a dogness about him.

by Kurmus (ette) January 28, 2018

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i eat dog

by black enslaver 69 December 10, 2019

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that dog is a thot

by MANLOVER23 October 25, 2017

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A dog is a must have object that come in all shapes and sizes. The dog comes from the wolf which loves being with.
They are better then cats

dogs get your shoes

by man's best freind June 11, 2017

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