A person who resembles a dork nerd or geek and is a bitch
Rachel is a dork face bitch
Short for Kidrick Dork, Kid Rock’s christian name
Priest - "I hereby christen you Kid Dork"
A donut with a hotdog in the middle of it.
A dirty dork is a donut with a hotdog in the middle of it.
"Omg Becky, their is a weiner in the middle of that donut!"
A donut with a hotdog in the middle of it. For consumption of joy.
"Man, for lunch I had a donut with a hotdog in the middle of it."
"Omg Becky, that Weiner is in the middle of that donut!"
"A Dirty Dork is a donut with a hotdog in the middle of it.
a male over age 20 who is virgin solely because he is a binoculared pig type of geek/dorm
if you're a girl you're more likely, nowadays, to go for a pussy magnet rather than a pussy dork
a male over age 20 who is virgin solely because he is a binoculared pig type of geek/dorm
if you're a girl you're more likely, nowadays, to go for a pussy magnet rather than a pussy dork
To be excited nearly to the point of sexual release over something dorky, geekish, or nerdy.
"Oh man, I went into Best Buy and found the complete series of Firefly on Blu-ray! I almost dorked in my pants right there."
"Did you go to the midnight opening at Gamestop for Black Ops?
Hell yeah! I thought I was gonna dork in my pants waiting on line!"