Source Code

Negative Drip

The opposite of drip.
Where drip makes a person look exceptionally stylish and fashionable, negative drip makes them look exceptionally unstylish and unfashionable.

Person 1: "Yo, did you see that guy's outfit just now?"
Person 2: "Yes, I did. His choice of clothing causes him appear as a particularly foolish individual not worthy of respect or admiration."
Person 1: "Yeah, he has negative drip."

by _retard December 15, 2021

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Drip God

Drip God is used for someone as devious Dylan who is slaying all the pussy while dripped out and is THE SEX GOD

Man Dylan is THE DRIP GOD

by kkflf September 1, 2022

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Drizzle Drip

The cinnamon sticks at Mr. Gatti's, and are ONLY called Drizzle Drips when they got the glaze on em. They are popular in Radcliff cause those folks were the ones to give it the name. It it is also a rap that goes, "Drizzle Drizzle Drip, Drizzle Drip, Drizzle Drizzle Drip" over and over to a beat.

Hey yo waiter can you get me some of those drizzle drips?

by NorfCraka April 8, 2011

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Dora Drip

dora mrch that is very drippy

"yoo look at my dora drip !!"

by ze-0 March 10, 2021

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Lady Drips

When ladies stand over toilets and compete to see who can drip from their lady parts with 100% accuracy into the toilet.

Me and my friends played Lady Drips at an Applebees bathroom last night

by ToeCheeseForevah February 23, 2011

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drip bridge

A man falling in love with a bridge where everyone puts their gold chain. This is very common. Donald Trump is Joe Biden's bridge, as they are married.

I put my gold chain on that drip bridge!

by GiggleOfficial April 19, 2021

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drip goddess

1. A beautiful girl who snorts drugs

Ex: speed , cocaine, etc...
2. A girl whoโ€™s definitely got it going on, when she walks by all your ice starts melting (drip)

3. Someone you want to be around
4. A cool cat, loves to have fun

Damn ma! U lookin like a drip goddess

by Evildeedblues October 9, 2018

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