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English class

A very peaceful class that sucks when you have to write a paper or have to fart

It’s complete bullshit that I have to write 2 5 paragraph essay in English class!

by 0110001000 July 14, 2021

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nasty english

Filthy spin put on a pitched breaking ball in the game of baseball. Derived from the billiards technique of putting "english," or side-spin on the cue ball.

"Holy shit! Barry Zito's curve ball has some nasty english!"

by P. Dub May 6, 2007

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English Teacher

Usually middle-aged men and women who have a self-written sci-fi series sitting in their desk drawers that no publishing company gives a shit about. Therefore, giving their students terrible grades helps fill up that depressing hole in their hearts. They also get a boner by thinking about how their perception of the book is far superior to anyone else’s. They typically over-analyze random speech in novels and make you feel like a dumbfuck while doing so. For example, if an author writes β€œThe dog was sad.”, an English teacher would talk about how this is a reference to the revolutionary battle tactics of Napoleon. Meanwhile, the author really meant that the dog was just fucking sad. Despaired. Depressed. Whatever other synonyms. Case closed.

Kiss-ass Kelsie: Ms. Johnson is the best English teacher ever! She really helps emphasize the true need for literature to enrich our otherwise pointless lives.

Reasonable Ricky: Suck a fat one Kelsie and reflect on your life.

by milayaaa November 29, 2020

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English Breakfast

Dipping your 'teabag' in someone's mouth while they're asleep.

I gave her an English Breakfast

by _D_A_D_D_Y_ September 3, 2017

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English Accordion

verb; A sexual act between two males where male #1 performs oral sex on himself while man #2 places one hand on male #1's neck and the other on the back of his thighs and plays him like an accordion, thus, increasing pleasure.

"Fuck a fiddle! I wanna be played like an English Accordion!"

"John played the English Accordion so well, that his partner Gary gagged."

"After a good playing of the English Accordion, Travis was tired and decided to rest. His fairy-friend Albert was so pleased with himself pleasing himself, that he made himself breakfast."

by the rusty trombone February 26, 2014

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Queen's English

1) Believed by uneducated or disinterested Americans and Irish to be a statement of fact

2)The speech of Cyndi Lauper

1) Madison: Teacher, kin yew barry me a pin?
Teacher: Madison, don't you know the Queen's English?
Madison: No ma'am. Is she?

2) Gurls jis wanna have fun

by Ramon Z Adams December 16, 2010

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proper english

To perform cunnilingus, especially in an exceptionally skillful manner.

"He taught me proper english last night."

by Jay Emme May 19, 2006

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