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A disrespectful, often cruel and undermining term, used against homosexual people. (Short for faggot)

Bully 1: You see that new guy?
Bully 2: Yeah, I bet he's a fag.
Nice person: Hey, that's mean!

by Otaku-chan2007 May 6, 2019

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Fantastically Awesome Gamer

(on Xbox/Playstation/PC)
Haha! Your such a fag!!

Thank you, i am a Fantastically Awesome Gamer.

by MochaChokaLattaYaya June 25, 2015

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A British word for cigarette.

British Guy: 'Ello, mate, do you 'ave a fag on ya?
Another British Guy: Sure do, mate!

by TheAlpha9ay March 19, 2016

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Fag(fag)noun 1. An extremely annoying, inconsiderate person mostly commonly associated with Harley riders.

2. A person who owns or frequently rides a Harley.

Look over there at that group of fags.

by Zack And Cheese September 27, 2022

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Some one how is a total faggot a gay ass nibba who suck dicccck for example AlexTheKiller261

Person1: What are you doing faggot

(Alexthekiller261)Faggot: Sucking Dick

by A Blue chair in the corner December 10, 2018

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1. A homophobic slur

2. British slang for a cigarette

1. "Ryan, stop flirting with me. Jesus christ. You're such a fag"
2."Ugh I got sent to detention today for smoking a fag in the loo"

by xo.zo April 14, 2018

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a person who can view your snapchat story in .5 seconds but leave you on delivered for 24 hours

The Fag left me on delivered for an hour today

by fuckface1213 July 23, 2018

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