Having someone chug a beer, the half way through, they are kicked in the nuts with a steel toed boot, then they must finish the beer chug.
Dude did you hear what Walstrom did last night? He did 10 freaking Florida Field Goals....IN A ROW!
8๐ 4๐
A place where pregnant teens go to have abortions. Usually the mother prefers to take large quantities of drugs before self aborting on the field. Every major city has a dead baby field.
I'm taking my bitch, Amanda, to dead baby field later.
7๐ 3๐
some kind of baseball slang referring to an unexpected event.
(help me out here UDers.. where did this phrase come from and what does it really mean?)
What happened?
I don't know... it came out of left field.
37๐ 29๐
A large, slow moving and oblivious group of people that totally blocks the sidewalk. Often tourists visiting cities where people walk to get around.
It took me twenty minutes to walk two blocks because I was stuck behind a Chinese Field Trip.
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to feel up, to touch and grab a female's breast
Tom: Man, I love that Pamela Anderson.
John: Yeh, I would definitely cop her field.
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Smash Fields is a Premiere MMA Fighter, Who at times can be seen as an arrogant pompus jackhole. His skills in the ring make you respect him. But his behavior and Antics outside of it make you either laugh,cringe or possibly like him.
Byron Smash Fields Is the Best I Ever Had, I HATE Byron SMASH Fields
8๐ 5๐
A form of psychosocial epiphany during which a person feigns newfound awareness of real or imagined peer admiration. Term implies a real or imminent loss of decorum followed by stunned recognition that one had previously underestimated one's value, status or importance.
Episodes are sometimes accompanied by an emotional meltdown often perceived by witnesses as distasteful and gauche, if not wholly disingenuous.
Derivation: The term's origin is thought to be Sally Field's acceptance speech of her 1984 Best Actress Oscar for "Places in the Heart". Though widely feted and highly-esteemed, the actress nevertheless exclaimed: "I've wanted more than anything to have your respect...I feel it, and I can't deny the fact that you like me, right now, you like me!"
As the "get-off-the-stage-music" swelled, panning cameras for the live broadcast many pre-botox celebrities candidly exhibiting expressions ranging from pathos to contempt.
The term was quickly accepted within the lexicon as a mildly snarkish pop-culture reference applied to any awkward episode that provoked vicarious embarrassment for having witnessed another's regressive collapse of public composure.
In Chat:
omg...im freaked
wait <SallyFieldMoment>
____ just called & asked me out
and u said....
wait </end SallyFieldMoment>
better now...said maybe
ur pathetic jk bff
In work conversation:
"Read yur email - that temp is now perm - total Sally Field Moment now in progress"
"I so hate her"
"Me too - heard she swallows"
"he hired her didn't he?
"Wanna go purge? - 3rd floor, crip stall"
"I'm so there"
In social conversation:
"damn whooda hottie"
"don't even go there gurl - all we did was 69 and it was Sally Field Moment in the morning"
"oh no he didn't - pity, sistergurl don't do mercyfucks"
"did I mention he's a bareback top"
"no bitch u did not - finish my drink and rescuecall me by midnight - u know I go coyote"
"a'ight gurlfriend, work that ho-ass"
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